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FACING sound Cornell

Response-able walk gameformance played out

Wow what a treat! It was a pleasure to run a one-week workshop on ethics and sound, after the invitation of Assist. Professor Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri and the Cornell Society for the Humanities. The workshop which Marianthi and I ran together opened up some of the exercises/gameformances I have been developing as part of SHAKE (the Science Humanities and Arts Knowledge Exercises) to sound: We walked responding to each other and to sound, used instruments and blocks to share secrets, and performed ideas in ideobics using sound elements. I was thrilled to hear that Marianthi's students in her course Shaping Sound who attended the workshop found inspiration for their final projects in the gameformances. I was certainly inspired to keep playing. Oh, and the virtuisation of a computer screen to contain just one pixel as a way to dedicatize it! Just, brilliant!


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